The Role of Podiatrists in Foot and Ankle Care in Singapore

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    podriatrist examining the heels of a female patient in Singapore

    The Role of Podiatrists in Foot and Ankle Care in Singapore

    Did you know that the average person walks the equivalent of five times around the earth in a lifetime? Our feet unseemingly, are the heroes of our daily lives, carrying us through every step of our journey. Yet, we often take them for granted—until something goes wrong. In Singapore, a bustling metropolis of relentless walkers, runners, and movers, the health of our feet is paramount. This is where podiatrists come into the spotlight, specializing in a branch of medicine many may not even know exists until they need it. Podiatry is not just about treating foot ailments; it’s about restoring and enhancing mobility and function, which is a cornerstone of a vibrant life.

    The Expertise of Podiatrists

    Podiatrists are the vanguards of foot and ankle health, wielding an arsenal of skills that range from simple care to minor surgical procedures (1). Singapore registered Podiatrists are professionals who undergo rigorous education and training, emerging as experts who can diagnose, treat, and prevent a plethora of foot and ankle disorders. 

    Their expertise isn’t limited to the muscles and bones; they also have a deep understanding of the neurological and circulatory systems that contribute to foot health. 

    Podiatry Centres in Singapore

    Singapore’s commitment to healthcare excellence is mirrored in its podiatry centres. These facilities are not just clinics; they’re hubs of holistic foot care, offering an interdisciplinary approach to foot health. From the Family Podiatry Centre to the Osteopathy and Podiatry Centre, these institutions are staffed with skilled professionals who collaborate to provide comprehensive care. Whether it’s routine check-ups, sports injuries, or diabetic foot care, these centres are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and personalized treatment plans to serve the needs of every foot that walks through their doors.

    Conditions Treated by Podiatrists

    The human foot is a complex structure, susceptible to a range of conditions that can disrupt one’s daily life. Podiatrists in Singapore are adept at treating a wide spectrum of these issues (1). Achilles tendonitis through to Achilles tears are among the common ailments they tackle, often caused by overuse or injury. These conditions, if left untreated, can lead to chronic pain or even mobility issues. Podiatrists also address simple conditions such as foot rot through to more severe conditions such as osteomyelitis, which can be a serious risk for individuals with compromised immune systems. From the more common fungal infections to the intricate care required for individuals with Down Syndrome who may face unique foot structure challenges, the scope of care provided by these specialists is vast and essential.

    In the bustling city-state of Singapore, where the pace of life is fast and the demands on our feet are high, podiatrists are the dedicated professionals ensuring that every step we take is on solid ground (2). As we delve deeper into the world of podiatry, we begin to appreciate the complex interplay of anatomy, physiology, and care that these specialists master to keep us moving forward.

    Importance of Nutrition in Foot Health

    Nutrition plays a vital role in foot health, and podiatrists in Singapore often collaborate with nutritionists to provide holistic care to their patients. Proper nutrition can speed up recovery post-surgery, strengthen bones, and improve circulation, all of which are essential for healthy feet.

    For instance, calcium and vitamin D are crucial for bone health, while Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in conditions like Achilles tendonitis. Nutritionists can provide tailored dietary plans to aid in the recovery process and prevent future foot ailments.

    Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

    Rehabilitation and physiotherapy are essential components in the realm of podiatry, both for recovery after foot and ankle surgery and as key elements in non-surgical treatment plans. In Singapore, podiatrists often collaborate with physiotherapists to devise comprehensive rehabilitation programs, tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient, regardless of whether they have undergone surgery.


    In non-surgical scenarios, the focus of rehabilitation initially centers on managing pain and reducing inflammation. The approach then systematically progresses towards restoring range of motion, building strength, and improving overall function. Techniques such as manual therapy, customized exercise programs, and the use of modalities like shockwave therapy, ultrasound or electrical stimulation are commonly integrated into these treatment plans.


    Particularly for conditions like Achilles tendon issues, non-surgical rehabilitation protocols are thoughtfully designed to progressively strengthen the affected area, facilitating healing while aiming to prevent any re-injury. This careful balance ensures that treatment is both effective and considerate of the patient’s long-term wellbeing.


    Beyond immediate rehabilitation, physiotherapy in the field of podiatry also places a significant emphasis on injury prevention. This involves addressing biomechanical issues that might have contributed to the patient’s initial condition. Processes such as gait analysis are employed, and in some cases, the creation and prescription of custom orthotics might be recommended. The overarching goal in such treatments is not just to resolve the current foot or ankle issue, but also to enhance the patient’s overall stability and mobility, ultimately improving their quality of life.


    Podiatry for Special Populations

    My FootDr

    Special populations, such as individuals with diabetes, arthritis, or Down Syndrome, may require specialized podiatric care. In Singapore, podiatrists are trained to recognize and treat the unique challenges these groups face.

    For diabetic patients, foot care is crucial as they are at higher risk for ulcers and infections due to poor circulation and neuropathy. Regular check-ups with a podiatrist can prevent serious complications, and in the case of ulcers or infections, podiatrists provide wound care and coordinate with other specialists to manage the patient’s overall health.

    Individuals with Down Syndrome often have specific foot care needs due to the prevalence of certain foot conditions, such as flat feet or toes that are abnormally shaped or positioned. Podiatrists can provide interventions that may include orthotics or, in some cases, referrals for surgical correction, to improve function and comfort.

    Arthritis patients also benefit from podiatric care, which can include joint protection strategies, footwear advice, and surgical options if conservative treatments fail to provide relief.

    The journey of foot and ankle care is a comprehensive one, extending from the first signs of discomfort to the final steps of rehabilitation. In Singapore, podiatrists are the guardians of this journey, employing their specialized skills to not only treat but also prevent foot and ankle disorders. With the help of advancements in surgical techniques and a strong emphasis on postoperative care and nutrition, podiatrists ensure that their patients can return to their daily routines with confidence and ease.

    Physiotherapy and rehabilitation remain the backbone of recovery, providing patients with the support needed to regain strength and function. Furthermore, the attentive care provided to special populations underscores the podiatrist’s role in ensuring inclusive and specialized healthcare for all who require it.

    In the bustling walkways of Singapore, where every footstep counts, the role of podiatrists is indispensable. They are the experts who allow us to move forward, step by step, toward a healthier future. Whether through surgical intervention, conservative treatment, or preventive care, podiatrists ensure that our feet — the foundation upon which we stand — are given the care and attention they deserve.


    1. Kraus J, Nielsen A, Law B, Shi G, Whealy G. Understanding Patient Preference of Providers to Treat Foot and Ankle Disorders. Clin Med Res. 2022 Mar;20(1):40-45. doi: 10.3121/cmr.2021.1631. Epub 2022 Jan 12. PMID: 35022199; PMCID: PMC9390852.
    2. Foot Health Facts. What is a foot and ankle surgeon.

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