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    Flat Feet

    Coping with Flat Feet

    Flat feet is a term often used to describe feet that are hyper mobile or roll in excessively. When your feet “roll in” excessively during stance, this gives the appearance that there is a loss of arch contour of the foot. This, however, is a misnomer. Most feet, when studied in the sitting position, have an arch. Only during weight bearing do they collapse, hence these feet are said to be compensating for a particular condition and are displaying a movement called pronation.

    How does flat feet occur

    There are many causes of abnormal pronation, the most common being:

    • Hypermobility is one of the most common causes. This is present in approximately 10% of the population.
    • Hereditary bony or soft tissue conditions within the foot that disrupt normal walking patterns. This causes the foot to “unlock” allowing the arch to fall closer to the ground.
    • Abnormal muscle length or weak muscles.
    • Abnormal leg rotations.
    • Poor pelvic alignment causing leg length difference.
    • Spinal conditions (e.g. Scoliosis).
    • Muscle spasticity (e.g. Cerebral Palsy).
    Picture of Flat Feet

    The result of pronation can vary from patient to patient but it should be noted that this abnormal force on the body is a major contributor of a myriad of bony and soft tissue problems, often leading to pain.


    When flat feet or pronation forces become excessive or abnormal, symptoms may occur in the following areas:

    • Feet (e.g. bunions, hammer toes, corns, calluses)
    • Heels (e.g. plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, heel pain, Sever’s disease)
    • Shins (e.g. shin splints, posterior tibial tendinopathy, PTTD)
    • Knees (e.g. patellofemoral syndrome, chondromalacia (runners knee), Osgood Schlatter’s disease
    • Thighs (e.g. Iliotibial band syndrome)
    • Hips (e.g. greater trochanter bursitis)
    • Upper and lower back (e.g. sciatica, disc protrusion)
    • Neck and head secondary to poor postural alignment which can occur with kyphosis.

    Care Management

    At My FootDr our Podiatrist will carry out a detailed biomechanical assessment of your feet, legs, knees and hips to identify the cause.

    An analysis of your walking pattern utilising computerised video gait analysis software is performed to assess the effect on your gait. Your Podiatrist will then discuss your care management options which will often include a pair of custom foot orthotics to control any abnormal forces causing any associated foot pain, leg pain or other symptoms.

    A 3D scan of your feet is taken and a detailed prescription is created for you from which a pair of orthotics can be made. A prescription orthotic device is then produced which fits inside your footwear comfortably to support your arch and feet in their most optimal position, which will affect leg and body posture.

    Obviously different conditions will require specific therapy. This may involve exercises, mobilisation, manipulation, massage, footwear advice, postural balance programs, dry needling or, in some cases, radial shock wave therapy. All of these options will be discussed with your Podiatrist if they feel you require this care management.

    How can we help?

    Custom Foot Orthotics

    Custom Foot Orthotics

    Our custom foot orthotics are manufactured with precision from digital foot scans and are typically available on the same day.

    Thumbnail Gait Analysis-feets on a treadmill

    Video Gait Analysis

    We use this advanced form of motion analysis to assist us in diagnosing complex motion-related pathology of the foot, ankle, knee, hip, and lower back.

    a person running on a road with a track shoe


    See our large range of footwear brands available at selected podiatry clinics.

    Subscribe to our email list and get a 10% discount off your next consultation

    To make an appointment, call us on +65 6836 8144 or book a session now.

    Healthy Feet. Better Lives.

    Get In Touch!

    We’ve moved! Find us at 390 Orchard Road, Palais Renaissance #04-04, Singapore 238871
